Safety, Skills & Fun
The philosophy of the York Youth Football program remains very simple: Safety, Skills & Fun. We love football and we look forward to an exciting year, our continued commitment as a feeder program for York High School, and building a partnership with the New England Patriots Alumni Association.
Enrollment includes the top of the line equipment for our players. We take your student athlete’s safety to our heart and provide Riddell helmets and pads that are certified by the manufacturer before every season.
Our season begins with practices in August, a Jamboree the last weekend of August for the Mites (3rd/4th) and PeeWees (5th/6th), regular season games in September and October, and playoff games in early November for the Juniors (7th/8th).
We have an end of the season banquet to recognize the skills and developments of all involved. And offer the players the opportunity to participate in the Festival of Lights parade with our York Youth Football float.

Our Sponsors
Donations from local businesses provide York Youth Football with the opportunity to provide top of the line equipment to our student athletes. Please let these business know how much their support means to you.